What, no running gear?


It’s true, no running gear today because this is the last day before my “10K a Day” challenge in June (i.e run 10K every day).  I am taking a walk though because I am also taking part in the Global Corporate Challenge in which I am joining a team of work colleagues to see how many steps we can muster together each day.

“You must be mad” I hear you say and you’re probably right.  Running so many days in a row is something I have never tried before but I take inspiration from the great Ron Hill, who never missed a day for 52 years and 39 days!

Anyhow, It’s all in a good cause because I am raising money for a public access defibrillator in my local community of Rothwell Haigh.  (Justgiving).

I noticed while walking down a path which I usually run, how much more you notice.  Running is a great way to explore the local neighbourhood but sometimes it’s good to take your time.

“Look carefully then how you walk, not as unwise but as wise” Ephesians 5:15 (ESV)

10K per day in June


Regular readers will know that a few years ago I suffered from a heart rhythm problem called “Paroxysmal Atrial Fibrillation”, which, to cut a long story short was an erratic heart beat that threatened to cut short my running career.  Fortunately, with the help of the very excellent staff at Leeds General Infirmary (LGI), I had a successful procedure and I have now been free of any trouble for years.

I therefore take a keen interested in heart related things and I am really supportive of Rothwell Baptist Church (of which I am a member), which wants to provide a community access defibrillator.   This is a device which can be accessed via the 999 operator and can be used by any member of the general public, because the machine tells you want to do and even diagnoses the patient.  The Church needs to raise £2000 so I have decided to run a sponsored challenge to help.

My challenge is to run 10K each day during June.  This is something I have never tried before because I am a great advocate of taking rest days.  I feel quite strong and I am quite optimistic that I will complete the challenge.  To make things more interesting, I will blog about my adventure each day.

If you want to sponsor me, the link to my JustGiving page is here 

“Carry each other’s burdens, and in this way you will fulfil the law of Christ.” Galatians 6:2 (NIV)